IS 15758 (Part 5) :2007 ISO 9185:1990 W+w71m F mm-R-gwl-Tm!=5 WPT5 Rm-a-atT@& iamfa JIRlikTsrmtml Indian Standard TEXTILES -- PROTECTIVE SPLASH CLOTHING PART 5 ASSESSMENT OF RESISTANCE OF MATERIALS TO MOLTEN METAL Ics 13,340,10 @ BIS 2007 BUREAU MANAK August 2007 OF INDIAN STANDARDS ZAFAR MARG BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 5 Chemical Methods of Test Sectional Committee, TX 05 NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 5) which is identical with ISO 9185 : 1990 `Protective clothing -- Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash' issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Chemical Methods of Test Sectional Committee and approval of the Textile Division Council. The conditioning temperature of 20 ~ 2°C as specified in International Standard is not suitable for tropical countries like India where the atmospheric temperature is normally much higher than 20°C. It is almost impossible to maintain this temperature specially during summer when the atmospheric temperature rises even up to 50°C. In view of the above, IS 6359: 1971 `Method for conditioning of textiles' specifies a temperature of 27 ~ 2°C for conditioning of the test specimens for the tropical countries like India, This standard is being followed in testing of textiles and other products since decades. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following: a) Wherever the words `International Standard' or `European this standard, they should be read as `Indian Standard'. Standard' appear referring to b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker, while in Indian Standards, practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker. the current In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2: 1960 `Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)', IS 15758 (Part 5):2007 ISO 9189:1990 Indian Standard TEXTILES -- PROTECTIVE PART 5 ASSESSMENT OF RESISTANCE SPLASH CLOTHING TO MOLTEN METAL OF MATERIALS 1 Scope until the minimum quantity skin simulant is observed. to cause damage to the This International Standard describes a method for assessing the resistance of materials used in protective clothing to molten metal splash. It is important to note that good resistance of a material to a pure molten metal does not guarantee formance against slag. a good per- 4 Apparatus grade 4,1 Commercial end use. metal, appropriate to the 2 Definitions Standard, the For the purposes of this International following definitions apply. NOTE 1 It is recommended that coarse tilings or small pieces cut from solid bar or sheet should be used, as fine filings have been found difficult to melt. A range of pouring temperatures appropriate to different metals is given in annex A. 4.2 comprising an embossed mass per unit area 230 g/mz ~ 10 g/m2 which, when tested as described in annex B, shows no smoothing or modification of the embossing of the central area at a block temperature of 166 "C * 2 `C, but shows smoothing or modification of the central area at a block temperature of 183 "C ~ 2 `C. PVC skin simulant, 2.1 pour height The vertical distance from the axis of rotation of the pouring ring to the centre of the pin frame. 2.2 molten metal splash index: A figure equal to the minimum mass of molten metal poured which just causes damage of the skin simulant. modification of the 2,3 damage: Any smoothing, embossing or pin-holing on the surface of the skin simulant extending in total for at least 5 mm across its width. Where the damage is in discrete spots, the widths of each spot are added across any horizontal section. Pvc sheet, of 4,3 Cruciblef), the approximate external dimensions being height 97 mm, top diameter 80 mm, bottom diameter 56 mm, and capacity (brim full) 190 ml. 4.4 Detachable crucible holder, to enable the crucible containing the molten metal to be quickly and safely removed from the furnace to the test apparatus. 4.5 Furnace, 100 "C above annex A. The furnace or an capable of operating at a temperature the pouring temperature specified in furnace type rriay be either a muffle induction type furnace. 3 Principie Materials are tested by pouring small quantities of molten metal on to the test specimen supported at an angle to the horizontal on a small pin frame. Damage is assessed by placing a PVC skin simulant directly behind the test specimen and noting damage to the skin simulant afler pouring. Any adherence of the metal to the test specimen surface is also noted. Depending on the result, the test is repeated using a greater or smaller mass of metal, NOTE 2 Muffle furnaces are capable of holding at least four crucibles, i.e. internal furnace size is approximately 135 mm x 190 mm x 780 mm, but take several hours to melt metals such as steel, iron and copper. Induction fur- 1) For most molten metals, a graphite impregnated material (if an induction furnace is used) or a ceramic material (if a muffle furnace is used) has been found suitable for the crucible. 1 IS 15758 (Part 5):2007 ISO 9185:1990 naces melt a 30 min. single crucible of these metals in less than 4.7 Pouring apparatus, pin frame and tray, shown in figure 1, consisting of a pouring device supported on adjustable legs, a specimen holder and a sand tray. The sand tray shall have minimum dimensions of approximately 250 mm wide x 350 mm long x 50 mm deep and shall be filled with dry sand to a depth of 30 mm to 40 mm. small probe, either a 4.6 Temperature thermocouple or an optical non-contact temperature device, capable of measuring molten metal temperatures up to 1650 `C. Oirection of tip Crucible holder a Crucible Adjuateble legs Specimen holder 0 Specimen holder Test specimen \ Sand tray $ / 1 Sand tray Figure 1 ­ Pouring apparatus 2 IS 15758 (Part 5):2007 ISO 9185:1990 Dimensions In mlllimetres T \\ Coil spring Retsining clip (2 mm thick steel) Crucible suppon (2 mm thick steel) LL2J `#'n 1- Flgure 2 ­ Pouring device The pouring device, consisting of crucible holder and drive shaft, shall be constructed in steel (see design in figure 2). The pouring apparatus shown in figure 1 is fitted with an electric motor, An alternative version is shown in figure 3 with a circuit diagram for the motor drive shown in figure 4. A metal bar is attached to the pouring device to serve as a stop to prevent the crucible rotating before the molten metal is poured. The drive shaft shall be firmly supported and be adjustable in height so that the specified pour height (see annex A) can be achieved. The specimen holder shall consist of a rectangular pin frame, 160 mm + 5 mm wide x 248 mm + 2 mm deep made from 8 mm square steel. It shall have four tenter pins, two on the top edge and two on the bottom edge, spaced 80 mm * 2 mm apart and 40 mm * 2 mm from the respective corners. The pin frame shall be supported on a suitable frame which enables the angle of the specimen to the horizontal 3 IS15758 (Part 5):2007 ISO 9185:1990 tobe varied (see annex A)and the position ofthe test specimen relative tothe pouring device tobe adjusted so that the main impact of the molten meta isnear the centre of the test specimen. R Stepper ] motor [ Pin as indicator k I I 7T 1+ 1 I I I `Dirnensions inmilllmet c 4 Pine frame Scale for test specimen angle Sand tray 350X250X50 r \\ r 175 pouring apparatus Figure 3­ Motorized 4 Reverse/ Stop/ Forward A2 Switch 1 %3 T start , A/ RI 01 W ..>.0 R5 01 W 22 k . 1 .36 ,lRvtiJ;v rJi'rFl `A' -II r Output: logical "1" voltage move stepper motor in reverse to d I . IC9 IC8 Output: logical "1" voltage to move ateppar motor forward "W$I+ -4uq v+ 2N6028 IL `T2 R5 OIW 2.2k u Set forward speed 47 nF R9&~W X 10 nFm l+ I Rvl 5M `eSetL+ Iclo \. 0.1w bl e R12 Rll O.1 W 100k 1:; 1.1w Oflw A9L T $?0 nF fl 12"2k'+* , R13~~W Thumbwheel switch ,'+ 2N6020 bz 6~C6 b, VT2 Set raveraa speed RV2 250 k R15 e flk I?l?:lw Rl; ;l: ~ * 1 --LLAA4-(JV 100 nF Pulses to increment ateppar motor 0.1w Thumbwhaal switches to select angle of rotation I & I CY+ J -. ILIIR have dfierent `""-"'='+ pin arrangamenta ~ ILIIC 26 m.. W 1/6 7404 27 B B1 B2 B3 which can Provisions for decoupling capacitors ba added acroas IC'S 1,2. 4,5and7 DZ l/& 74(30 Reverse/StoplForward Switch 1 w drive board NOTE ­ This circuit usad in conjunction motor with a stepper and associated will rotate the crucible In this case the angle of rotation through is the number a preset selected angle bafof'e retumlng on the thumbwheel tO tne teat posmon. switches x 1,8°. A motor with a holding torque of 0,125 kg.m and a rotation of 1,8" per step is recommended. .. 0 IS 15758 (Part 5):2007 ISO 9185:1990 4.8 Balance, of 1,0 g. capable of weighing to an accuracy will thereforebe necessarywhen testingthe resist. ante of materialsto these metals. 8 8.1 Procedure Setting Up the apparatus of the crucible holder (4.4) to give height, and the angle of the pin the required specimen angle to annex A). of molten metal 4.9 Template, in the form of a rigid rectangle 260 mm * 2 mm x 100 mm * 2 mm with adjacent edges, their centres forming the corners of a rectangle 240 mm ~ 2 mm x 80 mm ~ 2 mm. 5 Conditioning and testing atmospheres An atmosphere having a temperature of 15 "C to 25 "C and relative humidity 55 O/. to 65 O/. shall be used for the conditioning of specimens. For testing, an atmosphere substantially free from draughts and having a temperature of 15 "C to 30 "C and a relative humidity of 20 O/. to 65 O/. shall be used. Adjust the position the specified pour frame (4.7) to give the horizontal (see 8.2 Preparation 6 Preparation and conditioning of test specimens Lay out the laboratory sample without tension but free from wrinkles and creases on a flat, smooth surface. Initially, mark and cut seven test specimens using the template with the longer length in the machine direction (except where this does not apply, e.g. leather, when the direction of cutting is unimportant). Using the template, mark the position for the pins (of the pin frame) on the material by spots 2 mm in diameter at the centres of the holes for the pins. Cut a similar number of pieces of skin simulant and mark the position of the pins in an identical manner. Subject the test specimen to the atmosphere for conditioning for 24 h. If the test is not carried out immediately after conditioning, place the test specimen in a sealed container until the start of the test. Begin testing each test specimen within 3 min of removing it from either the conditioning atmosphere or the container. NOTE 3 The assessment uses an iterative procedure and therefore the exact number of test specimens needed cannot be stated. Seven test specimens are usually sufficient to give a result. If there is previous experience of the material or if a material is being assessed for compliance with a specification, fewer test specimens will be needed. Place approximately 50 g (weighed to the nearest gram) of metal (or multiple of 50 g if it is known that the material under test will withstand a higher amount), either coarse ground or cut from bar or sheet, into the dry crucible (4.3) and melt it to a temperature slightly above that at which it will remain molten throughout the test (see annex A). 8.3 Attachment of test material to pin frame Attach a piece of PVC skin simulant (4.2) to the pin frame by pushing the pins through the marked positions with the embossed side uppermost. Positionthe test specimen over the PVC skin simulant and attach it to the pin frame in an identical manner. Ensure that the test specimen is in intimate contact with the PVC skin simulant, free from creases and with the face of the material designed to be on the outside of a garment exposed to the molten metal. 8.4 Pouring of molten metal Carefully transfer the crucible, using the detachable crucible hoider, to the pouring ring (4.7). Ailow the molten metal to cool to the pouring temperature (see annex A) and then operate the pouring device so that the crucible turns through at least 130 " from the horizontal at a constant rate of 37° ~ 2,5° per second. This rate is equivalent to a rotation of 90" in 2,5 S + 0,2 S. Pour the metal over the edge of the crucible and not via the pouring lip and ensure that an undamaged edge surface is used. 8.5 7 Operator safety and equipment shail be using the high temperapparatus, in order to of accidental spiashes Suitable protective ciothing worn by the operator when ature furnace and the test protect against the hazard from molten metal. Examination 8.5,1 30 s after the completion of pouring, remove the test specimen and examine the skin simulant for any sign of damage as defined in 2.3. Note any such damage. 8.5,2 Note and record whether any molten metai has solidified and adhered to the surface of the test specimen. WARNING ­ In addition to the hazard of molten metal splashes,certain metals (e.g. sodium) ignite spontaneously when heatedIn air and producetoxic fumes when so heated.Additional safety measures 6 iS 15758 (Part 5) :2007 iSO 9185:1990 8.6 Determination of mass of mefai poured 10 Void tests Allow any metal remaining in the crucible to solidify sufficiently for it to be scraped out. Weigh this residue to the nearest gram and subtract it from the initial mass of metal melted. Record this as "metal poured". Declare any test vQid and repeat the test using that mass of metal if any of the following occurs: a) the rotation of the crucible is noticeably discontinuous and is not carried out in the prescribed time; b) the impact of the pour across the test specimen; wanders horizontally 9 9.1 Iterative testing If there is no damage to the skin simulant, repeat the test procedure using new test specimens of material and skin simulant and using a quantity of metal in the crucik+!e 50 g more than used in the previous test. If the capacity of the crucible is reached the test is not sufficiently severe to obtain skin damage. When damage is observed proceed to c) the metal runs off the side of the test specimen or strikes within 25 mm of the top edge; d) any of the molten specimen; metal does not first hit the test 9.2. Repeat the test procedure using a quantity of metal in the crucible 10 g less than used in the previous test. If damage to the skin simulant is obsewed repeat from 9.2. When no damage to the skin proceed to 9.3. simulant is observed t?epeat the test procedure using the same quantity of metal in the crucible used in the previous test. If damage to the skin simulant is observed repeat from 9.2. If no damage to the skin simulant is observed repeat from 9.3 until four successive tests show no damage to the skin simulant. e) the metal is not completely 9 the PVC skin simulant molten when poured; 9.2 ignites. 44 Test report The test report shail include the following: 9.3 a) a reference to this International Standard; 9.4 Note the highest value of the mass of metal Poured in these four tests and the lowest mass of metal poured that caused damage. b) for each individual test specimen, the approximate mass of metal used (see 8.2), whether any molten metal adhered to the materiai, the result of the assessment of the skin simulant and the mass of metal poured; c) the molten metal specified in clause spiash 9; index calculated as 9.5 Record the mean of these two values to the nearest gram as the molten metal splash index. d) the metal used, pouring temperature, specimen angle to the horizontal and pouring height; e) any deviations from the test procedure likely to have had an influence on the test result. 7 IS 15758 (Patt 5):2007 ISO 9185:1990 Annex A (normative) Pouting temperatures which have been found appropriate for certain metals As this International Standard is solely a method of test it does not specify performance levels for materials but it does enable comparisons to be made between materials in terms of the protection provided against specific molten metals. The conditions recommended in table A.1 have been found approThe specimen angle priate for the metals given. shown for aluminium reflects the need to increase the sensitivity of the test for this metal in order to more readily and be able to compare materials demonstrates the flexibility of the basic method in that it enables a wide range of metals to be assessed, Temperatures to which metals are heated before pouring are slightly higher than pouring temperatures to allow for cooling during transfer from fur- nace to pouring apparatus. For metais poured at higher temperatures the rate of cooiing is greater than when poured at lower temperatures, and therefore the metai has to be heated to a higher temperature to accommodate transference from furnace to crucibie hoider. The critical temperature is the pouring temperature which can be estimated by use of predrawn temperature/time curves (cooling curves). The foliowing "temperature above pouring temperature" were found to be practical for the following metais using an induction furnace and enable the pouring temperatures specified in table A,l to be achieved: Aluminium Copper Iron Mild steel 820 1350 1500 1650 "C "c "c "c Table A.1 ­ Pouring temperature, pouring heightand specimenangieto the horizontal Pouring temperature Pouring height Specimen angle to the horizontal degrees Metal "c Wminium Complying with designation Al 99.5 as specified in lSO/R 209:1971 (E) 99,5 Y. 99 780 ~ 20 mm 300 + 5 45*1 :opper ron ?40 1280 1400 & 20 225 ~ 5 75fl Complying with lSO/R 185:1961 (E) containing + 20 225 * 5 75*1 the following: C 2,8 % to 3,2 %, Si 1,2 % to 2,0 ?40, P 0,3 % to 0,6 Mild steel ~0 Complying with designation C25 as specified in lSO/R 683-1:1968 (E) 1550 + 20 225 f 5 75*1 8 IS 15758 (Part %):2007 ISO 9185:1990 Annex B (ncwmative) Method of test for assessment 6.1 Principle block placed is heated on the skin to a specified of thermal characteristics of PVC skin simulant face up- Place a test specimen with the embossed permost on the steel plate. temsimulant. An aluminium perature and The block is removed after a specified time and the embossing on the skin simulant examined for signs of smoothing. Heat the aluminium of 166 "C * 2 `c. block (B.2.1) to a temperature B.2 Apparatus Remove the aluminium block from the oven (0.2.3) and place it on the test specimen with the machined surface in contact with the embossing. Start the stop watch (6.2.4). Remove the block after 5 s. Examine the surface of the test specimen in the cerdre of the area previously covered by the block for signs of smoothing or modification. Repeat the procedure with the other test specimen using a block temperature of 183 "C ~ 2 `C. NOTE 4 It is essential that the machined surface of the block is clean before the start of each test. B.2. ! Cylindrical alum{nium biock, 75 mm f 2 mm in height, mass in diameter, 70 mm Y 2 mm 880 g + 50 g. One of the ends of the block shall be flat and the edge radiused. A machined for measuring its temperature shall thermocouple be inserted into a hole drilled close to and parallel to the machined face. B,2,2 Steel plate, not less than 100 mm in diameter and not less than 10 mm thick. One surface of the plate shall be machined flat. 8.2.3 Oven, capable to 185 "C. 6,2.4 E.3 Stop watch, of heating the aluminium block 6.4 Test report Report whether or not any smoothing or modification of the embossing has occurred in the central area at either of the two block temperatures. Procedure (see clause 6) not Cut two circular test specimens less than 100 mm in diameter from the PVC'skin simulant (4.2). Position the steel plate (B.2.2) with its machined face uppermost. Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of /nd~an Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations, Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS. Review of Indian Standards Amendments also reviewed indicates that for revision. amendments Additions'. are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest or edition by referring to the latest issue of `BIS Catalogue' and `Standards: Monthly This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. TX 05 (0767). Issued Since Publication " Text Affected Amendments Amendment No. Date of Issue BUREAU Headquarters: OF INDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telephones: 23230131, 23233375, 23239402 Website Regional Offices: Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 1/14, C.I.T. Scheme Vll M, V.I.P. Road, Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 160022 www. in Telephones 23237617 { 23233841 23378499, 23378626, 23378561 23379120 2603843 { 2609285 22541216, 22542519, 22541442 22542315 28327858 28327892 Eastern : { Northern : SCO 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 { Western : Manakalaya, E9 MlDC, Marol, Andheri (East) MUMBAI 400093 Branches: AHMEDABAD. GHAZIABAD. PARWANOO. 28329295, { 28327891, BANGALORE, BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. FARIDABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PATNA. PUNE. RAJKOT. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. VISAKHAPATNAM. Printed at: Akashdeep Printers, New Deihi-2.